Accommodation - Slovak Paradise

chata phoda slovensky raj
tel. +421 903 634 064   -

Via ferrata for children in Čingov will be opened from 31.03.2020.

Rent via ferrata sets 10€/ 2 hours in TIC NA RÁZCESTÍ.


New via ferrata Kyseľ george with many watterfals opened after 40 years.

We will help you with rent a via ferrata sets.



Hornád RIVER RAFTING reopened. Canoe for 2 person RENTAL - 60 €/ 2 persons. 

Bike RENTAL - 15€/ day.




Slovenský raj is situated between warmer and dryer Hornad river basin and colder and more humid massif of Slovenské rudohorie (mountain massif in sout-east of Slovakia). This location creates conditions for multiplicity of plant and animal species. Its natural richness is based on water. Many streams and river Hornad created deep gorges and vallyes of this national park. Karstic region of Slovenský raj is know by its rich underground water supplies and karstic formations as caves, holes etc.


Hornád River Canyon (Prielom Hornádu)

The first known passage throught the Prielom Hornádu (Hornád River Canyon) on its frozen river surface occured in February 1906 and in July of the same year the river was floated on the wooden raft. Hornád River Canyon is one of the most attractive canyons of Slovakia. It has been gradually opened to public access until 1974 from Hrdlo Hornádu (Neck of Hornád River) to Skalné vráta (Rocky Gate) near mouth of Biely potok (White Brook). You can pass the most extreme sites of the Hornád River Canyon only by using of metal footsteps and chains. In the eastern part of this trail there is also an Educational trail that crosses through National Nature Reserve with the same name - "Prielom Hornádu". There is valid the 5th level - the strictest level of the nature protection. In order to protect this fragile and beautiful area, hiking is allowed only inside the tourist marked trail.

- Lowest point - Hornád River - 511 m n. m.
- Highest point - confluence of Hornád River 528 m. ASL.

Climbing aids include 17 metal bridges and footbridges,
140 rungs, 333 m of chains and 70 wooden footbridges.


Dry White Gorge (Suchá Belá)

Suchá Belá Gorge is the most visited gorge of Slovenský Raj National Park. The first known trip into this gorge was realized in June 1900 by the group of tourists lead by Prof. Martin Roth, the pioneer of tourism in Slovenský Raj. At that time these explorers managed to get only to Misové vodopády (Bowl Waterfalls) site. In the span of the years 1900 - 1908 they marked and built the tourist trail to these waterfalls. Complete passage through the whole gorge had occurred in 1910 to the tourists lead by Alexander Mervay. In 1957 members of the Mountain Rescue Service of Slovenský Raj had equipped this gorge by fixtures to enable safe passage through this gorge. Suchá Belá is National Nature Reserve with the 5th, the strictest level of nature protection. Therefore, in order to protect fragile and precious habitats of this beautiful area, hiking is allowed only alongside the marked tourist trail.

- Disch Waterfalls - 29,5 m
- Little Window - 12,5 m
- Lateral - 8 m
- Trough - 8,5 m
- Lowest point - mouth of the gorge 550 m. ASL
- Highest point - 959 m. ASL
- Vertical overtop - 409 m per 3,8 km


Big Falcon Gorge (Veľký Sokol)

The longest and mightiest gorge ended by the romantic Roth`s Gorge. The first and complete passage was made on August 20th 1898 by the group of Prof. Martin Roth, Dr. N. Filarský and M. Karoliny. A month later, at the second passage through Veľký Sokol, artist photographer V. Forberger had taken first shots of the Slovenský Raj gorges. First metal ladders in the gorge were mounted and fitted by the members of Mountain Rescue Service Slovenský Raj in 1956. Veľký Sokol is a part of National Nature Reserve Sokol with the 5th, the strictest level of nature protection. Therefore, in order to protect fragile and precious habitats of this beautiful area, hiking is allowed only alongside the marked tourist trail.

- Little Waterfall - 8,5 m
- Great Waterfall - 7 m
- Lowest point - at mouth of the gorge 610 m A.S.L.
- Highest point - 899 m A.S.L.
- Vertical overtop - 289 m


Small Stoves Gorge (Piecky)

Gorge Piecky is situated between Suchá Belá and Veľký Sokol Gorges and was created by the brook Piľanka. The lower part is named also as Stredné Piecky (Central Small Stoves) or Biela Dolina (White Dale), the lateral gorges are called Zadné (Rear) and Predné (Front) Piecky (Small Stoves) and are not alloved to pass through. The first passage realized Alexander Mervay with companions in 1911. Piecky Gorge is a part of National Nature Reserve Piecky with the 5th, the strictest level of nature protection. Therefore, in order to protect fragile and precious habitats of this beautiful area, hiking is allowed only alongside the marked tourist trail.

- Great Waterfall - 13 m
- Terrace Waterfall - 8 m
- Lowest point - at mouth of the gorge 581 m A.S.L.
- Highest point- 959 m A.S.L..
- Vertical overtop - 378 m


Monastery Gorge (Kláštorná roklina)

Kláštorská roklina (Monastery Gorge) was known a long time ago, but it was opened to public access only in 1960, after span a river Hornad by cable footbridge. Kláštorná roklina is a part of the National Nature Reserve Prielom Hornádu (Hornád River Canyon). There is valid the 5th level - the strictest level of nature protection. In order to protect this fragile an

- Discoverer`s - 11,5 m
- Straka`s - 13 m
- Lowest point - mouth of the gorge 520 m. ASL
- Highest point - Kláštorisko (Monastery site) 740 m. ASL
- Vertical overtop - 224 m per 1,5 km



The gorge at its extreme sites is provided by technical aids (ladders, bridges, footbridges, footsteps, chains). Passage alongside the gorge is only one-way (from bellow upstream) and requires the appropriate equipment including sturdy hiking boots. Estimated travel time of hiking is about 2 hours, but it can take longer time due to bad weather conditions, high water level or visitors attendance. Please, keep to the instructions of Visiting rules of Slovenský Raj National Park, Rangers and Mountain Rescue Service.


Dnes je: Sobota, 27.07.2024 - meniny má  Božena

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